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Kendal Rugby 2024/25 Memberships Now Available!

Kendal Rugby 2024/25 Memberships Now Available!

Claire Park8 Jul - 16:55
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Please go to and click on the 'Buy Membership' link

Current memberships expire on 31 July 2024 and new memberships for the 2024/25 season commence on 1 August 2024. Memberships are available to pre-purchase for the 2024/25 Season now!

Membership cards will be available from reception in due course. We would like to welcome Claire Stephens, supported by Paula Hill as our new membership secretaries and say a HUGE thank you to Sue Carruthers and Emma Dinneen for managing the role over the past few years - THANK YOU ladies.

This LINK will take you to the Rugby Football Union Game Management System (RFU GMS, or just GMS).

Important Notes:
* RFU GMS works better using Google Chrome
* If you are an existing member, please sign in to GMS and choose 'Buy Membership'
* If you are a new member, please choose 'Create New Account' on GMS
* If you are buying a new membership for a child, please create a (free) membership on GMS for yourself FIRST, then add your child(ren) afterwards
* If you are buying a JOINT membership, or adding additional child(ren), please add ALL memberships to your GMS basket before you choose 'Checkout', then the discounts will be applied automatically

2024/25 Club Donation £10
2024/25 Club Member: Active Qualified Coach/Team ManagerFREE*
2024/25 Club Member: Adult Match Entry (Joint £220*) £120
2024/25 Club Member: Social Player £70
2024/25 Club Member: Colt/Full-Time Student PLAYER £100
2024/25 Club Member: Life £ 1,500
2024/25 Club Member: Little Stingers PLAYER £25
2024/25 Club Member: Mini & Youth PLAYER (add. children *£65 each)
£ 80
2024/25 Club Member: OAP Match Entry (Joint membership *£180) £ 100
2024/25 Club Member: Walking Rugby £70
2024/25 Club Member: Senior PLAYER Earlybird (Ends 31 July2024)£ 130

Conditions for FREE Coach and Team Manager membership:
* Team Manager MUST have valid DBS, Safeguarding and Headcase e-learning qualifications
* Coach MUST have valid DBS, Safeguarding, Headcase e-learning qualifications and Play it Safe qualifications
* Your GMS Account MUST have either of the above roles specified

Further reading